habt keine Angst!

Feb. 19th, 2007 | By | Category: Allgemein

You Are 48% Abnormal

You are at high risk for being a psychopath. It is very likely that you have no soul.
You are at medium risk for having a borderline personality. It is somewhat likely that you are a chaotic mess.

You are at medium risk for having a narcissistic personality. It is somewhat likely that you are in love with your own reflection.

You are at low risk for having a social phobia. It is unlikely that you feel most comfortable in your mom’s basement.

You are at low risk for obsessive compulsive disorder. It is unlikely that you are addicted to hand sanitizer.

How Abnormal Are You?

What Your Underwear Says About You

When you’re bad, you’re very bad. And when you’re good, you’re still trouble!
You’re the type of guy who lets his girlfriend pick out his underwear.
The Underwear Oracle

Your Famous Last Words Will Be:

„So, you’re a cannibal.“
What Will Your Famous Last Words Be?

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  1. du hast wohl zu viel Zeit…

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